Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 4 Wild Hogs IV

So far the day is starting out like yesterday, heavy rain showers. The forecast is decent though, if we can get past the morning showers.

Each time I consider venturing out of my tent it dumps more. The plan for today is to get to Huntington (Marshall University) . Then "Hillbilly Hotdogs" for lunch. If time permits we may try to back track to Ripley and Kenna, since my little tire adventure caused us to miss them.

The campground seems to have gotten rather busy since yesterday. Lots of weekenders I guess.

Well off to the bathrooms and showers to get another day started.


  1. Hey Rick, did anybody take the challenge at Hillbilly Hot-dogs??? How was Huntington? From my understanding, the Towers are still there as is the 20th Street Church by McDonald's, but the new Football Stadium pretty much engulfs them. How much still looked the same?

  2. None of us took the challenge, but we enjoyed the experience. The campus was interesting. The old buildings are all there, but they have filled in all the open spaces with more buildings.
